Hi! I’m Cassidy,

Welcome to my portfolio! I am a Designer who adores UX and Interaction Design’s perfect meld of Technology, Creativity, and Human Connection.

Drawing of Cassi

My Work

About Me

Headshot Cassidy Rasmussen

Hello! I’m Cassi Rasmussen. I was born and raised in Sandy, Utah and am currently a student at Utah Valley University studying Web Design and Development with an emphasis in Interaction Design.

My Design Beliefs

  • It isn’t only about creating beautiful designs (although this is something I pride myself in),  it’s about finding real issues that are troubling the users, learning from them, and creating the best possible solution.
  • Simplicity is often the answer. All the fanciest bells and whistles can’t solve the simple problems.
  • There are always new things to learn
  • Be Passionate about what you are creating, but hold loosely.

How Did I Get Here?

When I started college, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life. I initially pursued Digital Cinema Production, driven by my passion for storytelling and technology—at the time, it seemed like the only option to bled both. I aspired to be a screenwriter, but something felt off. Eventually, I stumbled upon Web Design and Development, and fell absolutely in love. I could continue my love of storytelling and working with technology, while learning about the latest technologies, solving complex problems, and forming meaningful connections with people. I found the perfect fit.

My Favorite Tools

Figma | Illustrator | Photoshop | Indesign | Google Drive

Other Interests

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Creative Writing

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My Family

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Board Games

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Let's Get in Touch!